
Benefits of the AtlasPROfilax® method

The AtlasPROfilax® method relieves muscle tension and nerve compression and facilitates self-recovery of the spine system. Learn more at: https://www.…

Improve your range of motion

The AtlasPROfilax® method can significantly improve your range of motion in the cervical spine. See our studies at…

Real stories, real results

Real stories, real results. Read more reviews over at:

Say goodbye to migraines – with AtlasPROfilax®

Say goodbye to dreadful migraines - with AtlasPROfilax®. Learn more about the method at:

Don’t let muscle tensions hold you back

The atlas, the first cervical vertebra, is involved in more than 50% of the rotation of the cervical spine. Don’t let muscle tensions hold you back -…

What is AtlasPROfilax®?

AtlasPROfilax® is a neuromuscular massage technique. The method is safe, sustainable and non-invasive. Learn more at…

Where do I find an Atlasprof®?

Go to our website and click on “directory” to find the practitioner closest to you!

Tell your family about the atlas method!

Is there someone in your life that suffers from chronic neck or back pain, dizziness or numbness in the arms? Tell them about AtlasPROfilax®, we might…

We understand the complexity of the cervical spine

We understand the complexity of the cervical spine. Let us help you towards a better posture!

Chronic neck pain

A lot of chronic neck pain is caused by restricted blood flow around the cervical spine. The AtlasPROfilax® massage treatment allows the neck muscles…

What you should know about the atlas vertebra

The atlas vertebra has a key position in the body which can affect many biomechanical and physiological functions. Learn more about why it is…

AtlasPROfilax® - eases your neck pain

Muscle contractions are one of the leading causes of cervical pain. The AtlasPROfilax® method reduces pain by releasing muscular tension around the…